Somos Empleados Retirados de IBM Argentina y creamos este espacio para comunicarnos y generar emprendimientos . Este Foro te convoca para unirnos y desarrollar nuestra Acción Comunitaria.
Volvamos a encontrarnos en nuestra IBM.

Watson con su padre Thomas
La cultura de IBM está fundamentada en tres credos básicos definidos por Thomas Watson, su fundador. Presentes en toda la organización, siempre se hace referencia a los credos al tomar las decisiones y actividades organizacionales, porque ellos constituyen la identidad de la empresa.El primer credo es “Respeto por el individuo" (canalizando las necesidades del personal), el segundo credo es “Prestar el mejor Servicio al Cliente” (como eje de las prestaciones al cliente) y el tercero es la “Búsqueda de la Excelencia” (una forma superior de realizar el trabajo, fundamento de la gestión estratégica de la calidad
18 de diciembre de 2007

"IBM es responsable
del Plan Médico, el Plan de Pensión y todo lo comprometido con el Personal Retirado, y les aseguro que Ezequiel Piccione junto a todos los actualmente responsables de IBM, lo comprendemos y trabajamos para solucionarlo"

Guillermo E. Francos
Country Counsel
Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay

“Una de las más grandes recompensas de la vida viene cuando ofreces tu tiempo, energía y recursos para ayudar a los que lo necesitan. Los abogados tienen la obligación, y la forma de hacerlo, de asegurarse de que la frase “justicia igual para todos” tenga significado y para asegurarse que los más necesitados tengan acceso a los beneficios." Grunfeld Joanne Caruso

IBM sigue y seguirá siendo la misma de siempre,
porque aunque todo lo demás cambió,
nuestros credos siguen inmutables.

La presente publicación ha sido impresa por la Subsecretaría de Políticas (Office of the Assistant Secretary for Policy)
La presente Guía describe las leyes y reglamentaciones dependientes del Departamento de Trabajo de los EE.UU. (U.S. Department of Labor (DOL)) que afectan a las empresas y los trabajadores. Ha sido ideada especialmente para satisfacer las necesidades de quienes deben contar con información “práctica” a fin de implementar políticas sobre salarios, beneficios sociales, salud y seguridad y políticas antidiscriminatorias en las empresas de todo el sector industrial.

Statement of Principles:
Alliance@IBM/CWA Local 1701 is an IBM employee organization that is dedicated to preserving and improving our rights and benefits at IBM. We also strive towards restoring management's respect for the individual and the value we bring to the company as employees. Our mission is to make our voice heard with IBM management, shareholders, government and the media. While our ultimate goal is collective bargaining rights with IBM, we will build our union now and challenge IBM on the many issues facing employees from off-shoring and job security to working conditions and company policy

The Yahoo! Clubs have been the catalyst for the employee rebellion against IBM's pension and medical "theft." This Web site is provided as a service to IBM employees and friends, investors, and others who don't have the time to follow the large volume of postings on the Yahoo! clubs.
Important notice: This site is not affiliated in any way with the IBM Corporation, nor with any other organization.
A personal note: In no way does the editor of this site wish to disparage IBM or its employees. A number of us on the "Yahoo!" IBM pension and union boards have long, successful careers with IBM, always working towards growing the company and increasing value to stakeholders.
We are not out to "pound on IBM." Ideally, we would like to return IBM to some resemblance of the dignity, honor and respect which it enjoyed in the past. By way of example, consider that IBM used be among the leaders in the "Top 100 Companies to Work For", but is now entirely absent from that> Toward that end, we discuss a number of company actions and practices, along with the behaviors, attitudes and motivations of certain leaders. Along the way we share and debate articles in the media, which help explain the above. We also work on understanding legislation and regulations which provide employee protections.
As a result, we sometimes takes certain actions. To date, these have included: appearances in local & major national print media; appearances on local & major national television programs; attendance & participation in Congressional hearings; authoring & gathering support for stockholder resolutions; conferencing with the EEOC and DOL.
This is not to say that all the above have cast IBM in the best possible light. We truly wish it were otherwise, and would like nothing more than to appear in these situations talking about the fair and just actions of IBM. We realize however that employees (past, current and future), the press and our public officials need a true picture of what has happened.
Our objective is a positive one: rebuild IBM's integrity and increase value to its stakeholders! As a way of understanding our viewpoint, may we suggest you read these articles about what's going on at IBM written by major main stream publications.

This site is maintained by the Association of Members of IBM UK Pension Plans.This website is about occupational pensions, and especially about IBM UK pensions practice. Occupational pensions tend to have a long period when the employee is buying the pension with work and contributions, followed by a long period of pension in payment after retirement. Over such a long period there will be changes in the behaviour of the company. In some cases this is cause for outrage, when the members of a pension scheme (the consumers) feel they have been wronged by the employer (the provider). A question of consumer protection arises - whether a company can do and say whatever it likes when it wants to recruit, retain or retire employees and then do something different subsequently.